Tony Gorges

Technical Director

Why are you at The Mission Church?

I’m at The Mission Church for one simple reason, Love. I see everyone helping the community and leading people to Jesus with love, and I can’t help but smile. I’m blessed to be a part of this ministry.

What do you love about Appleton?

I love Appleton because the people are respectful and kind. The music scene is big in the Appleton area, and the amount of coffee shops downtown is impressive.

Tell us about your passions/hobbies/family.

I am Married to my wife Indy and we have two children Rhine and Keeley. They are everything to me. When I’m not spending time with family, I like to build computers and work on cars. I’m extremely passionate about music. I started playing and listening to music at a young age, and it’s a big part of my life. feel blessed to use my God given gifts.

Email: [email protected]

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