People “hope for” many things at Christmas: a new toy, a new job, perhaps even a new life. A “hope for” is a hope that some new “thing” will bring us joy; it’s more along the lines of wishful thinking. The hope of Christmas, however, is not found in mere wishful thinking because Christmas is not a “hope for” it is a “hope in”. A “hope in” is meant to direct our hearts beyond our present circumstance as we place our hope in something bigger. Here is a question to ponder: “What are you putting your hope in?” Christmas is a time for us to celebrate that our hope is not in anything this world can satisfy, rather, our hope is in Jesus. Jesus came to provide hope for everyone.
Join us at The Mission for one of our four identical Christmas Services!
December 23rd at 5pm and 7pm
December 24th at 3pm and 5pm
Childcare provided for birth through 5 years.