We are no longer requiring registration for in person services.
Please join us at 9 or 10:30!
Here is some addition info about updates to our COVID protocol:
In the coming weeks, we will be adjusting our COVID protocols in response to changes in CDC guidelines.
• Starting 5/23 we will lift our seating restrictions and reservations. Masks will still be required (but keep reading!). Kid’s ministry will continue to be at 10:30 with no size restrictions or reservations.
• Starting 5/30 we will have both services as “mask optional” with the exception of staff, volunteers, and kids in Mission Kid’s ministry. People can make the decision for themselves on what they are most comfortable doing.
• Starting June 13 Mission Kids will be “mask optional”. At this point, kids will be out of school and parents can determine what is best for their household.
• Online Services are not going anywhere. We will continue to livestream our service, with live hosts at our 9 am service.
A lot of prayer and consideration went into these decisions, they were not arrived at lightly. I know for some, this might feel extreme and for others, this might feel like we’re being too safe. We want to do everything we can to make sure that we are leading well and communicating clearly with everyone. If you have any questions about our changes, please do not hesitate to reach out to the church by calling the church office at 920-882-1010
Thank you, everyone, for your ongoing support and commitment to the ministry God is doing at The Mission Church